Sam and Joseph | Part 2

Manchester Street Style



So, after spying Sam and Joseph at The Uni of Manchester, and seeing how well their styles worked alongside each other (unintentional apparently; see first HotVimto blog post for evidence!), we wanted to focus in on their individual styles.

Sam told us that since moving to Manchester from London she feels like she can dress a lot more freely in terms of her own sense of style and comfort.

“Although London has lots of different sub-cultures and you see that through fashion there, Manchester is a lot less conservative and this means that I feel more comfortable here dressing how I want”.

Joseph said that the price difference between here and London was the main influence on his style;

” It’s much easier to find clothes that I like here, and thats because of the price. London is EXPENSIVE! But also, I feel that sometimes the pressure to dress to your individuality in the most extreme way possible in London is a bit too much. I like that I can so easily dress in my favourite Brands here.”