
Manchester Street Style



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This is Elliot, a Customer service employee that we spotted in Oxford Rd’s ‘Falafil’, tucking into, what can only be described as, the tastiest looking falafel salad dish I have ever seen (THERE WAS HUMMUS!). However, it wasn’t the his tasty dinner that first caught our eyes, more his perfectly mismatched outfit of bargain finds, which totally, totally worked.

Elliot told us that of we had caught he 3 years ago, he would have had ‘short-back and sides’, been wearing something relatively smart-ish, like a pair of smart tapered trousers and a fitted shirt, and some classic smart brogues. However, one day he decided that that just wasn’t him, and began dressing to his own personal style. He told us that he has always been fascinated by his mothers clothing and how women’s clothes generally tend to fit a lot nicer and that he’s definitely not adverse to picking up the odd women’s shirt in high-street, charity, and vintage stores around Manchester.

Well Elliot, you don’t have boobs and for that we are jealous as we wish finding a totally on-point shirt that looks good in any fit was as easy for us girls without taking into consideration that buttons on the edge of bursting will never be a look thats in. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL DUDES.

Elliot wears unbranded trainers, grey cuffed tracksuit bottoms, and women’s checkered shirt.


Manchester Street Style

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In true student style, a couple of us went on a wee adventure to Tesco Express late on Tuesday night in order to get some essential student supplies (This included chocolate, strawberries, waffles, and milkshake), and whilst on our way spotted this lovely young man wearing very stylish attire. Although we didn’t quite catch his name, he did mention that he was a first year Business Management student at MMU, and that he liked to shop around at various charity shops to snap up simple yet classic pieces in order to build his look for as little cost as possible. His scarf, featured in the above photo, is just one of these fashionable bargains.

“Manchester is great for Charity shops, especially if you can be bothered to catch the tram out to Rochdale or Altrincham where the prices are even better than usual”

Sam and Joseph | Part 2

Manchester Street Style



So, after spying Sam and Joseph at The Uni of Manchester, and seeing how well their styles worked alongside each other (unintentional apparently; see first HotVimto blog post for evidence!), we wanted to focus in on their individual styles.

Sam told us that since moving to Manchester from London she feels like she can dress a lot more freely in terms of her own sense of style and comfort.

“Although London has lots of different sub-cultures and you see that through fashion there, Manchester is a lot less conservative and this means that I feel more comfortable here dressing how I want”.

Joseph said that the price difference between here and London was the main influence on his style;

” It’s much easier to find clothes that I like here, and thats because of the price. London is EXPENSIVE! But also, I feel that sometimes the pressure to dress to your individuality in the most extreme way possible in London is a bit too much. I like that I can so easily dress in my favourite Brands here.”