
Manchester Street Style




This outfit caught our eye because of its sports luxe vibe, with Nike trainers that are very popular right now, and pale pink neoprene fabric – two elements that have been seen continuously this season.

Once again, we were unable to get much information out of our interviewee, but we did find out that she has just graduated her 4-year degree and that she looks fabulous! So there’s that.


Manchester Street Style

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We almost pushed people over in our heist to talk to Lauren when we saw her walking down Oxford Road, for reasons I’m sure you understand after seeing the photographs. Her clothing was interesting and therefore we knew she would have a few things to say, and she definitely did!

“Fashion is shit” were her exact words, despite studying Fashion Design at University and having her own clothing brand, LNER (which happen to be her initials). However, her reason behind the statement was valid. She doesn’t want to conform to what other people believe is “fashion” or “style”, she wants to wear pieces that she has customised – like her boots – and create pieces that people come to her for, not opening a store in a quirky part of town.

Very Vivienne Westwood punk era, no?

Lauren told us she likes to shop in charity shops, as she can never find pieces of good quality in high street stores that she can afford. Her wardrobe is very colourful, something we gathered from the outfit she was wearing, and her style “depends how she feels on the day”. We personally would love to see her wardrobe!


Manchester Street Style



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This is Elliot, a Customer service employee that we spotted in Oxford Rd’s ‘Falafil’, tucking into, what can only be described as, the tastiest looking falafel salad dish I have ever seen (THERE WAS HUMMUS!). However, it wasn’t the his tasty dinner that first caught our eyes, more his perfectly mismatched outfit of bargain finds, which totally, totally worked.

Elliot told us that of we had caught he 3 years ago, he would have had ‘short-back and sides’, been wearing something relatively smart-ish, like a pair of smart tapered trousers and a fitted shirt, and some classic smart brogues. However, one day he decided that that just wasn’t him, and began dressing to his own personal style. He told us that he has always been fascinated by his mothers clothing and how women’s clothes generally tend to fit a lot nicer and that he’s definitely not adverse to picking up the odd women’s shirt in high-street, charity, and vintage stores around Manchester.

Well Elliot, you don’t have boobs and for that we are jealous as we wish finding a totally on-point shirt that looks good in any fit was as easy for us girls without taking into consideration that buttons on the edge of bursting will never be a look thats in. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL DUDES.

Elliot wears unbranded trainers, grey cuffed tracksuit bottoms, and women’s checkered shirt.